I have a little Zorro story for you, Alec. When my brother was four, my family were visiting friends in Concord, Massachusetts, and my mother asked him whether he'd like to walk around Walden Pond with her. To her surprise, he was very enthusiastic, but this waned a bit as they walked, and when they finally got to the end - it's around 2 km in circumference, - my brother turned to my mother and said 'who did you say lived here?' And my mother said 'Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau.' My brother looked crestfallen as he said accusatorily 'I thought you said Zorro.'
Adorable. I once went to Walden with a pal and we spent hours skating on the ice of Walden Pond. We then returned to the car park and saw a sign saying 'Walden pond this way'. We'd been on Goose Pond. Walden Pond looked big and very boring in comparison, so we just went home.
Keep safe Zorro! I wonder when the world and our communities will collectively go back to wearing masks as a way of taking care of ourselves but more importantly, taking care of others? (especially those of us who are already unwell) We seem to have lost our way.
I have a little Zorro story for you, Alec. When my brother was four, my family were visiting friends in Concord, Massachusetts, and my mother asked him whether he'd like to walk around Walden Pond with her. To her surprise, he was very enthusiastic, but this waned a bit as they walked, and when they finally got to the end - it's around 2 km in circumference, - my brother turned to my mother and said 'who did you say lived here?' And my mother said 'Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau.' My brother looked crestfallen as he said accusatorily 'I thought you said Zorro.'
Adorable. I once went to Walden with a pal and we spent hours skating on the ice of Walden Pond. We then returned to the car park and saw a sign saying 'Walden pond this way'. We'd been on Goose Pond. Walden Pond looked big and very boring in comparison, so we just went home.
Keep safe Zorro! I wonder when the world and our communities will collectively go back to wearing masks as a way of taking care of ourselves but more importantly, taking care of others? (especially those of us who are already unwell) We seem to have lost our way.